Steel maintenance is often seen as a low priority when budgets are set because in the eyes of many accountants and administrators painting is all about aesthetics. It is however the backbone and spine for most utility providers and can lead to very costly service outages and stoppages if asset maintenance is not regularly undertaken.
Generally speaking there is no reason for corrosion to take hold, provided regular inspections are carried out and surfaces are properly maintained. The process of protecting steel is however complicated and there is a lot that can go wrong, starting with surface preparation and ending with the quality of the products being applied.
Our products are easy to use and are designed to increase asset service lives and minimize unplanned shutdowns. They are not manufactured to meet a price point. We also understand that maintenance is relentless, costly and very disruptive, so our main objective is to deliver high performance coatings that provide long term corrosion protection. They are also designed for application outdoors, even in challenging weather conditions. In doing so we are able to demonstrate substantial maintenance savings because our coatings extend the recoating interval and improve application efficiencies.
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